
COVID – 19

COVID-19 Guidelines & Advisory:- Click Here to view

COVID 19 Tele survey from ✆ 1921 New


• 24 x7 control room functional in the District Control room – 0471 2730045, 1077 ( Toll Free)

• Sufficient number of beds earmarked for management of isolated cases :

o Thiruvananthapuram Medical College Hospital
o General Hospital Thiruvananthapuram
o Taluk Hosptials

Advice to General Public :

• Not to be panic, but to adhere to health advisories issued by the State Government

• Use handkerchief / towel while sneezing / coughing

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water

• If any of the public in home quarantine require medical support, they should avoid public transport and immediately contact the control room for vehicle to go to hospital.

• Those who have arrived from the corona affected countries should remain under strict home isolation for 28 days from the date of arrival in India, irrespective of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic

• Any misinformation regarding nCoV or maligning people under medical surveillance is being watched closely by cyber cell of police and strict action will be taken against those engaging in such action