

Revenue Department

The Department is under the control of the Revenue Minister. The Secretariat is headed by Revenue Secretary who is assisted by Additional Secretaries / Joint Secretaries / Deputy Secretaries. The Revenue Department is headed by Land Revenue Commissioner who is assisted by Additional Commissioner / Assistant Commissioners. The State of Kerala consists of 14 districts, 21 revenue divisions, 63 taluks and 1453 villages. Each district is headed by a District Collector who is assisted by Deputy Collectors among others. Each revenue division is headed by a Revenue Divisional Officer and assisted by a Senior Superintendent among others. Each taluk is headed by a Tahsildar who is assisted by Additional Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildars among others. Each village is headed by a Village Officer who is assisted by Special Village Officer / Village Assistants.

The Director of Survey and Land Records at Trivandrum is in-charge of survey operations and updation of land records and is assisted by Additional Director / Joint Directors / Assistant Directors among others. Each district office is headed by an Assistant Director.


Land Revenue Department:- The land revenue department possesses the authority over all government owned lands and administer it, which includes issuance of lease rights to tenants for farming and conservation purposes. Most of the government lands are often issued free lease or for nominal amounts to poor farmers and landless people, for farming, cultivation and settlement purposes. Directorate of Survey and Land Records:- The DSLR holds copies of land records of the entire state as well as conducts survey of land, issuance of survey documents as well as decide on land taxes.1975. The State Land Board:- was formed as part of Land Reforms Act 1957, to manage effective implementation of the Act. The Board also decides implementation of land policy of the state. Disaster Management Authority:- The intense damage created due to Tsunami 2004 compelled Government to focus on disaster mitigation in a time bound and effective manner. SDMA was formed to protect properties and lives from various natural disasters and to prevent such disasters repeating