
Environmental Pollution Eradication

Pollution is the release of hazardous substances into man and environment. Environmental pollution is one of the major problems facing man today. Pollution can be categorized into seven, all of which are harmful to nature. Pollution is one of the major problems in society today.Therefore, we are making every effort to prevent pollution.

Environmental Pollution Eradication
Sl.No. District Level Monitoring Committee Meeting Dated Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 06-05-2022 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 06-05-2022 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 06-04-2022 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 06-04-2022 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 28-02-2022 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 28-02-2022 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 28-01-2022 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 28-01-2022 Downloads
* Deputy Director of Panchayats – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Kerala Water Authority – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* District Medical Office – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Corporation – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Attingal Muncipality – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Trivandrum Corporation – Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-12-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-12-2021 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 11-10-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 11-10-2021 Downloads
* District Environment Plan for Thiruvananthapuram District Kerala State   Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 17-08-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 17-08-2021 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 04-02-2021 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 04-02-2021 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 27-11-2020 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 27-11-2020 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 24-02-2020 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 24-02-2020 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 22-01-2020 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 22-01-2020 Downloads
* Minutes of the Fourth DLMC Meeting held on 20-01-2020 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 20-01-2020 Downloads
* Minutes of the Fourth DLMC Meeting held on 17-12-2019 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 17-12-2019 Downloads
* Minutes of the Fourth DLMC Meeting held on 04-12-2019 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 04-12-2019 Downloads
* Minutes of the Special DLMC Meeting held on 15-06-2019 at Thiruvananthapuram Collectorate 15-06-2019 Downloads