

Finance Department is mainly responsible for framing of rules regulating the pay, leave and pension of persons in the service of the Government and rules regulating the number, grading or cadre and emoluments of posts under the Government and also be responsible for seeing that these rules are properly applied; all matters relative to financial procedure and the application of the principles of sound finance; advise on the financial aspect of all transactions relating to loans granted by the government; safety and proper employment of Famine Relief Fund and other special funds, if any, and for the administration of provident funds, deposits and advances; examine and report on all proposals for the imposition, increase, reduction or abolition of taxes, duties, cesses or fees; Examine and report on all proposals for borrowing or giving of a guarantee by the Government and raise such loans as have been duly authorized.

Finance Minister Room No. 131, 2nd Floor,
North Block, Secretariat
Phone: 0471-2333294 & 2333254
Mob: 9447733600
Fax: 0471-2334648
E-mail: min[dot]fin@kerala[dot]gov[dot]in,
Department First Floor Main Block
Principal Secretary Room No. 396
Ph-91 471 2327586, 2518292
Fax: 0471 2326990
Mob: 9999311285
E-mail: prlsecy[dot]fin@kerala[dot]gov[dot]in
Principal Secretary- Finance (Resource) Room No. 389
1st Floor
Main Block, Secretariat
Ph: 0471- 2331161, 2518058
E-mail: secy-res[dot]fin@kerala[dot]gov[dot]in
Secretary- Finance (Expenditure) Room No. 392
1st Floor
Main Block, Secretariat
Ph-0471- 2326436, 2518695
Mob: 9446528400
E-mail info[dot]fin@kerala[dot]gov[dot]in

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